Address Holiday Apartments:
Schillerstraße 9
97072 Wuerzburg
Travelling durations: (Your departure to Wuerzburg)
Frankfurt am Main
110 km
110 km
150 km
280 km
300 km
320 km
520 km
540 km
by train:
53 Min.
1h 10 Min.
2h 16 Min.
2h 04 Min.
2h 28 Min.
3h 15 Min.
3h 50 Min.
3h 23 Min.
Travelling by train:
About 70 ICE / IC connections and more than 350 trains make daily arriving in Wuerzburg easy. From Wuerzburg Central Station are within a few meters in the downtown area.
Travelling by car:
Wuerzburg is located in the center of important main roads: motorway intersection of A3 Cologne-Wuerzburg-München, A7 Hannover-Wuerzburg-Ulm and A81 Stuttgart-Heilbronn-Wuerzburg.
Travelling by long-distance bus (Flixbus):
Wuerzburg is convenient and cost effective with various long-distance bus accessible. There are currently several direct connections, including to and from Berlin, Frankfurt, Freiburg, Cologne, Munich and Rostock-Warnemünde.
Travelling by plane:
The international airports in Frankfurt and Nuremberg are only about 60 minutes away. From there, simply take the train and arrive well in Würzburg. Or from the respective airport via the motorway (expressway) A3 to Wuerzburg.